Student Opportunities

  • Hira High believes in providing students opportunities to explore their interests, participate in research, and gain practical skills through internships. All students engage in an internship one day a week during the school year.

    Freshman and Sophomores work on Mondays, Juniors and Seniors work on Tuesdays. Hira High provides bus transportation to and from the work site.

    Hira High partners with companies that are in a wide range of fields. Students work at hospitals, law firms, universities, schools, tech companies, engineering companies, realty firms, accounting firms, nonprofits, pharmaceutical companies, investment firms, and more.

    At the end of the Training Camp, the school will hold a job fair. The job fair is where students will meet supervisors and rate what company they would like to be placed with for the year. The companies will also rate what students they would like to have.

    All internships are professional, entry-level jobs. Some common first-year duties are answering phones, greeting visitors, filing, data entry, and assisting with events. Every internship will help students with communication, networking, organizational, and time management skills.

    The money that students earn from the internship goes towards the student’s school tuition. This is how Hira High keeps costs very low for families. Some companies invite students to work during school breaks. When students work during school breaks, the money a student earns goes directly to the student!

  • Community service is integral to developing the students’ faith as Muslims. The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and the companions of the Prophet were the best example of individuals who served the community in every aspect. The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) would feed the poor, take care of the sick, visit the elderly, teach adults and children, help the travellers, and arrange for social services for the community.

    Hira High students are required to do 20 hours of community service every year. The school will connect with community resources (masjids, churches, schools, mayor’s office, museums, zoos, shelters, soup kitchens) to increase community service opportunities for the students to help develop empathy and global awareness in students. Students can work individually or in a group. Community service projects will be presented in April at the end of the year. Ideas include:

    Visiting the Elderly

    Visiting the Sick in the Hospital

    Volunteering at a Soup Kitchen

    Teaching ESL students at the Library

    Sorting Clothes at a Donation Center (Catholic Charities, Goodwill, Salvation Army)

    Sorting Food (Dare to Care)

    After School/Weekend Tutoring

    Planning Community Events

    Planning Sports Days

    Volunteering at a Garden (Yew Dell, Bernheim, Brightside)

    Volunteering at the Zoo

    Volunteering at the Science Museum

    Volunteering at an Animal Shelter (KY Humane Society)

    Writing an Islamic Newsletter

  • Sports




    Table Tennis

    Ultimate Frisbee



    Fine Arts


    Literary Book Club




    Yearbook Journalism



    Tai Chi

    Helping Hands

    Community Outreach


    Governor’s Cup

    Future Problem Solving

    Community Problem Solving

    Science Fair



  • Developing a strong Islamic identity requires the support of not just parents and teachers but peers as well. Hira High will pair every high school student with a college mentor. This mentor will meet students weekly and stay together with the students for the four years of high school. The college student will provide academic and homework help for the students, internship opportunities, and assistance to apply to college. They will have halacas, itikaf, iftars and other religious activities. They would travel to different masjids and do community service projects. They will also have social events like sports, camping, and traveling to different cities. The mentors will set academic and Islamic goals for the students and support the students to reach these goals.

    Mentor Activities

    Reading the Qur’an


    Iftars after fasting Mondays and Thursdays


    Visiting the Graveyard

    Community Service

    Disaster relief

    Visiting masjids in other cities

    Fun field trips

    Sports (soccer, basketball, football)

    Camping (canoeing, hiking, mountain climbing)